+ I feel sick, what should I do?
- Inform your supervisor
- Go home and take a rest
- If you want to take a covid test, ask the hotel for a FREE test (Do not get the test at the hospital or with local governement)
+ When can I come back to work?
- You can come back to work as soon as you feel better and as soon as you test negative. Inform your supervisor that you want to come back and you can come do the free test at the hotel.
+ Am I getting my salary paid during Covid leave?
- Full-time employees: Your salary will be paid in full for a maximum of 10 days.
- Part-time employees: You will not get paid.
+ Am I getting my Service Charge paid during Covid leave?
- NO, you will not get service charge for Covid leave.
+ I want to take leave, what should I do?
- Permission must be requested 7 working days prior to taking leave
- Ask your Head Of Department/ Supervisor for permission
- On the date you would like take leave, you have to find someone to replace you (this person must be on the same level as you or higher)
- Fill in the Leave Request Form: XXXXXX
- Wait for approval (approval of leave request is subject to management decision)
- If you insist to take leave day without approval shall result in warning (orange card)
+ Public holidays?
- An employee is entitled to (17) seventeen days per year of public holidays including the National labor days. Public holidays are fixed and announced year by year. If possible it should be taken on the actual day, but may instead be taken at a later date.
- All 17 days should be cleared by next year 31st March
+ Annual leave?
- Employment > 6 months: 8 days
- Employment between 6 months and 2 years: 9 days
- Employment betweem 2 years and 3 years: 10 days
- Employment betweem 3 years and 4 years: 11 days
- Employment betweem 4 years and 5 years: 12 days
- Employment betweem 5 years and 6 years: 13 days
- Employment > 7 years: 14 days
+ When is service charge paid?
- For Approved Public Holidays
- For Approved Annual Leaves
- For Approved Sick Leaves (A medical certificate is required)
- For all Working Days and Off Days
+ Warning cards?
- No reduction of service charge
- Card will be given only 1 time
- Reduce Service Charge of current month by 20%
- This card can be given multiple times
- Third yellow card will automatically result in an orange card
- Reduce Service Charge of current month by 50%
- This card can be given only 1 time
- Next card received will automatically be a red card
- Reduce Service Charge of current month by 100%
- This card can be given only 1 time
- Next card received will automatically be a black card
- Salary paid till the day before the card received
- Reduce Service Charge of current month by 100%
- Immediate dismissal without any further compensation
- Is provided by Executive Management only
- Last verbal reminder can lead to dismissal without any further compensation
+ Payment date?
Payment date for all staff will be on the last date of the month.
+ Service charge levels?
- Full time employment of < 4 months: 60%
- Full time employment of > 4 months: 80%
- Full time employment of > 6 months: 100%
+ Extra working hours?
- Extra working hours are assigned by RM and EA only. These hours are paid based on the salary (per hour) of the person replaced.
- Extra hours will be paid accordingly: Monthly Salary divided by 31 (days) divided by 9 (hours). Example: your salary is THB10'000 monthly: 10'000/31/9=THB35.84 per hour.
+ Can my family member also work at The Bell?
Relative must not be employed in the same department. Relative hereby include husband wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister of an employee including employee’s domestic partner.
+ New staff member?
A new staff member will initially be employed as a part-time staff member. If the performance is good and the company is in a position to hire more full-time staff then the employee shall start the process to become a full time emplyee.
+ Part time staff?
Part time staff will be paid a daily agreed wage and will not be paid Service Charge. On days the staff member is not working he/she will not receive payment.
+ Full time staff?
A full time staff will start it's process by going through a probationary period of 119 days. During the probationary period the staff will frequently be evaluated.
+ Probationary resignation?
A probationary Employee, with a written resignation, can resign from service by giving notification to the company at least fifteen days
+ Salary adjustments?
Salary adjustments and promotions can be executed during the year only when an employee assumes a vacant position left by a former incumbent or is appointed to a new position which is of a higher level than the Employee's former position.
+ Working hours?
Normal working hours are 9AM - 6PM with a 1 hour lunch break. Your working hours can be changed depending on the job required or upon request from your supervisor.
+ Working days?
Most employees will be working 5 days per week, although with some employees a different agreement has been made.